
Home > Pickleball

Join our next Pickleball Match!

Pickleball Coordinator: Heather Ashbee

Call (719) 304-1643 or Email heatherashbee@comcast.net

Pickleball is a great way to get some exercise and make new friends! Whether you are an experienced pickleball player or brand new to the sport, we hope you will join us for some outdoor fun on the courts!

As we move into the late fall season, weather and court conditions can be hit or miss and there are more schedule changes as we look for better conditions and open courts. A few notes about late fall and winter “off-season” play:

  1. We do not play if the temperature is below 40F or if sustained winds are above 20mph. 
  2. Pickleball will be cancelled if the courts are wet, icy or snow-covered.
  3. City courts are locked if there’s any snow on them to protect the court surface and warranty.
  4. Hard balls tend to crack at about 45F. The softer Onyx balls hold up better on very cold days.
  5. We may need to cancel on short notice – watch your inbox for last minute changes if the weather looks iffy.

For information, or if you would like to be added or removed from the pickleball mailing list, please contact heatherashbee@comcast.net. See you on the courts!

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