Skiing Golfing Cycling Camping Hiking Pickleball Social Activities

Discover Adventure & Community
with our age 50+ Activities Club
in Colorado Springs, CO

Pikes Peak Over The Hill Gang is a ski/social club for active adults age 50 and over. The club welcomes couples and singles. We are located in Colorado Springs, the heart of great year round activities. Winter activities include weekly day trips and some overnight trips to ski, snowshoe, and cross country ski. Day trips use rented vans and are scheduled on weekdays to avoid crowds. Hikes are scheduled weekly throughout the year. Golfing, cycling, and camping are scheduled during the summer months. The club has monthly dinners on the 2nd Wednesday of every month. Other social and cultural activities are scheduled throughout the year. Guests are encouraged to attend a monthly dinner to check out the Club. For more information, please check out the website, or contact one of the Board Members.

Join Us for a fun Adventure!
Sign Up Today to become a member of
Pikes Peak Over the Hill Gang!

Activities We Enjoy

Experience the thrill of the slopes with our weekly ski and snowshoe trips during the winter months, where we explore the stunning landscapes of Colorado. Join us for invigorating hikes through picturesque trails or tee off with fellow members on lush golf courses during the summer. With a diverse range of activities scheduled throughout the year, there’s something for everyone to enjoy and connect with like-minded individuals in our vibrant community.

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Pikes Peak Over The Hill Gang is a ski/social club for active adults age 50 and over. The club welcomes couples and singles. We are located in Colorado Springs, the heart of great year round activities. Winter activities include weekly day trips and some overnight trips to ski, snowshoe, and cross country ski. Day trips use rented vans and are scheduled on weekdays to avoid crowds. Hikes are scheduled weekly throughout the year. Golfing, cycling, and camping are scheduled during the summer months. The club has monthly dinners on the 2nd Wednesday of every month. Other social/cultural activities are scheduled throughout the year. Guests are encouraged to attend a monthly dinner to check out the Club. For more information, please check out the website, or contact one of the Board Members. [/column] [clear] [/section] [section title=”” bg_color=”#fafafa” border=”#eaeaea” padding_top=”0″ padding_bottom=”0″ margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”0″] [column grid=”18″ text_align=”center”] [h2] Fun available! Become a member of the Over the Hill Gang[/h2][/column] [column grid=”6″ text_align=”center”][button type=”big” link=”membership/” target=”_self” value=”Join Now” transparent=”0″ icon=”fa-check”][/column] [clear] [/section] [section title=”Activities” title_align=”left” custom_class=”light” margin_top=”10″ margin_bottom=”10″ padding_top=”10″ padding_bottom=”10″ bg_color=”” bg_image=”” bg_repeat=”no-repeat” bg_x_pos=”50%” bg_y_pos=”0″ bg_attachment=”fixed”] [column grid=”8″ text_align=”left”] [box_icon style=”style1″ title=”Skiing” icon_name=”fa-child” icon_pos=”left” icon_color=””]
Arapahoe Basin, Breckenridge, Copper, Keystone, Monarch, and Vail. Transportation and endless fun included on every trip. See our upcoming trips and photos here…
[/column][column grid=”8″ text_align=”left”] [box_icon style=”style1″ title=”Hiking” icon_name=”fa-leaf” icon_pos=”left” icon_color=””]
We organize a new hike each week to a scenic destination along the Front Range. See our upcoming hikes and visit our gallery or recent hikes here…
[/column][column grid=”8″ text_align=”left”] [box_icon style=”style1″ title=”Social” icon_name=”fa-glass” icon_pos=”left” icon_color=””]
Good food, good company, and having fun. We have outings such as river rafting, plays, concerts, museums, wine tastings and excursions of any nature…
[/column] [clear] [column grid=”6″ text_align=”left”] [box_icon style=”style1″ title=”Camping” icon_name=”fa-fire” icon_pos=”left” icon_color=””]
Camping trips from May through September to a variety of locations. Tents, trailers and *soft campers* welcome. See our upcoming camping trips here…
[/column][column grid=”6″ text_align=”left”] [box_icon style=”style1″ title=”Cycling” icon_name=”fa-bicycle” icon_pos=”left” icon_color=””]
This includes activities such as cycling which has rides of 12-20 miles at a moderate pace, followed by coffee or a snack. View our upcoming and past rides here…
[/column][column grid=”6″ text_align=”left”] [box_icon style=”style1″ title=”Golfing” icon_name=”fa-flag” icon_pos=”left” icon_color=””]
Nine holes of golf every Monday morning and an 18-hole scramble in the fall. Click to see our upcoming outings and photos…
[/column][column grid=”6″ text_align=”left”] [box_icon style=”style1″ title=”Pickleball” icon_name=”fa-table-tennis” icon_pos=”left” icon_color=””]
We play twice a week, weather permitting, at the Monument Valley courts and the Banning Lewis courts. Click to see our upcoming outings and photos…
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