
Home > Golfing

Join our next round of Golf!

Golfing Coordinator: Mike Cohen

Call (630) 248-5703 or Email

We play on Monday mornings – usually 9 holes. Occasionally we play 18 – with each player having the option of either 9 or 18 holes. We are not a league, just a fun and friendly group of people. We do not track scores, handicaps etc., though some individuals do so on their own. Players at all skill levels are in the group – low handicaps, high handicaps, no handicaps and beginners. Anyone who’s interested and can keep up the pace of play (even if it requires occasionally picking up your ball) will fit in fine. Often, we have lunch together after our round.

Most of the courses only allow us to schedule tee times 7 days in advance (3 days for some). The Golfing Coordinator will send a general email early in the week with details for the following week. You must respond to the email if you want to play that week. In other words you can’t just show up at the course and expect to play.

If you are listed in the PPOTHG membership list as being interested in golf you will automatically be on the mailing list for golf announcements. If you want to be added to the golf list, or have any questions or suggestions, feel free to call or email the Golfing Coordinator.

The Golfing Coordinator will email the entire mailing list on Monday announcing where we will be playing the following Monday. Simply reply to the email saying you want to play, and you should get confirmation within 24 hours. Later in the week, usually Thursday, an email will be sent to the entire group showing a list of who has signed up. If you signed up, make sure your name is on the list. If it is not, contact the Golfing Coordinator asap. This happens a few times each season – things can slip through the cracks in the system.

Our Upcoming Events

Recent Golfing Photos
Click on the leading picture to see the rest of the pictures for each event.
Golf Scramble 2021

A great day for the 2021 Golf Scramble.

Golf Summer 2019

Summer Golfing Fun in Colorado Springs