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Join our next round of Golf!

Golfing Coordinator: Mike Cohen

Call (630) 248-5703 or Email

We’re hoping to start the 2025 season in early April. To that end we have signed an agreement with Cherokee Ridge golf course that basically replicates what we had last year. We will be playing there every 1 st and 3 rd Monday morning (conditions permitting) beginning April 7 and ending October 20. As in previous years we will be playing at a variety of other courses in Colorado Springs, Pueblo, Canon City and more. Committee members will be arranging the courses for the remaining dates as we get closer.

As always, we will also keep an eye on the weather and hopefully arrange a few dates before April 7.

If you are new to the golf group, or need additional information about it, don’t hesitate to ask.

Our Upcoming Events

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Recent Golfing Photos
Click on the leading picture to see the rest of the pictures for each event.
Golf Scramble 2021

A great day for the 2021 Golf Scramble.